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Ergonomics Assessment

Ergonomics Assessment

Do you want to check if your workstation is ergonomic? Is your wrist or neck hurting and you’re not sure why? Want to make sure that when you hear “sitting is the new smoking,” you don’t freak out that it’s about you?

Over the last 15 years, I have gathered a vast set of knowledge about safe interaction with technology and helped hundreds of workers create healthy workspaces and habits. Using research from medical sources and doctors, I will help you work towards achieving a Work-Health balance.


Individual Workstation Assessment

I provide individual assessments of each workstation, with immediate adjustments and long-term recommendations.

Equipment Recommendations

I curate a list of recommended equipment and resources based on individual needs.

Habits Assessment

I interview individuals and analyze their working habits, to provide customized work-health balance action items and activities for building new habits. 


Once you fill out a request, I will contact you to set up a time and ask you to send the fee through Venmo or PayPal before our session.

Each ergonomics assessment is 55 minutes long and held via Zoom.

You will receive:

  1. A full analysis of your workstation for safety and comfort

  2. Customized recommendations for equipment that you can buy (equipment not included)

  3. An assessment of your habits, to spot where there’s an opportunity for improvement

  4. Suggestions for exercises and activities during your workday to prevent injury

  5. Lots of duck puns for your amusement

  6. Discounts on future products and courses

There are 4 ways to get an evaluation:

  1. Purchase one for yourself at a sliding scale cost.

  2. Purchase a package for the members of your team.

  3. Purchase one or more as a pay-it-forward gift. You can gift this for someone you know, or contribute to a scholarship fund that will be disbursed to anyone who applies.

  4. Apply for a scholarship. I will not turn away anyone who wants this important service but can’t pay for it.


To reserve an evaluation time, tell me a little about your needs and I’ll get back to you.